SEO Local Websites

for Your Franchise

* Empowerkit is 100% free for corporate office!
Content Marketing & SEO Made Effortless for Your Franchisees!

No worries about the execution!

Your franchisees can choose from a variety of service packages designed to handle their online marketing efforts on their behalf! 
Learn more

Updates by phone

Your franchisees can call us directly to make new content updates in their local websites. We make sure the content updates are compliant.

Compliant content creation

Our staff works with your franchisees and your compliance team to produce compliant, unique online content that helps you with your SEO.

The Perfect Mix of Technology & Service to Foster

Happy Franchisees

Energize recruitment efforts now!

Franchisees more than ever are looking for a complete local marketing assistance program. Are you ahead of your competitors?

Better rankings mean more revenue

Refreshed franchisee sites are ranked higher by the major search engines, which produce more leads and revenue!

Free for you & your franchisees

You & your franchisees get Empowerkit for free. We only charge for optional one-on-one support requests.

Brand compliant & engaging

Empowerkit has made it possible for both you & your franchisees to have a healthy mix of input & control! Franchise website management made easy!

Optional enrollment

Provide Empowerkit only to interested franchisees! Make it optional!

Free trial or pilot

Just want to try it out? No problem!
Click here to learn about our pilot program!

We Can Complement Your Efforts

Let’s assume you currently provide basic landing pages, you could do any of the following…

A) Roll-out as optional to everyone

B) Focus on your poor performers to help improve their online marketing

C) Roll-out to your tech savvy franchisees, usually your early adopters

D) Require it for everyone

Your Franchisees Need Your Guidance


Mediocre vendors

When your franchisees go out on their own, they make snap decisions at picking low quality vendors that make promises about SEO but they fail to deliver results.


Wasted valuable resources

Work on this. Try out that. Enhance this. Time passes, money is wasted and you see no returns.


Confused franchisees

Your franchisees can easily get overwhelmed by all the options. They know SEO is important for their franchise but they’re not sure where to start.

Lead Your Franchisees

Picking Empowerkit not only equips your franchisees  with the best tools and services available but allows you to gain control and jumpstart your franchisees’ online marketing efforts!

Corporate Management

Avoid brand or regulatory compliance issues! Franchisor has the control to edit or take down any of the sites whenever necessary. Simple franchise website management!

Consumer Demand

Over 80% of your final consumers search online before making a purchase. Local websites for franchisees will lead them to your business.

Guidance & Choice

Over 80% of franchisees across industries have noted online marketing as a key driver in their decision to pick a company to work with.

Quality & Feature-set

Our feature-set is the most complete in the franchise industry.

Professional Assistance

Franchisee assistance at their convenience – starting from content updates by phone to unique content creation to thorough phone support.

30,000 Partners Enjoy Our Services!

Sit Back & Relax!

We handle everything.


We handle design

We’ll design your website on the basis of your brand’s current look. Franchisee web design made easy!


Can coexist

Empowerkit does NOT have to replace their current landing page. Local websites for franchisees can be an advanced option for the interested ones.


We handle setup

Are you thinking about customized options or specific features? As a franchisor you are worried about CMS integration? We’ll work on that!

Our Technology & Services


SEO & Content marketing services designed for franchisees with little time or technical skills.

 Super Fast Hosting

We pride ourselves with the fastest sites. Speed can mean everything in making decisions to purchase.

Human Support

We will always be just a call or click away. Support in every step.

 Multisite Management

Franchisor has the control over all the website management – creating, managing, editing and logging into any of them with one click!

 Modern Website

Forget about those outdated local sites! Choose beautiful interactive websites that attract local customers.


Follow up reports every month with suggestions on site performance improvements.


We design layouts based on your current corporate site. Franchise web design does not need to be complicated!

Brand Management Tools

Require stronger franchise branding or content control? Turn the franchise website management controls off and on as needed.

Powerful Franchise Website Builder

The most advanced yet easy to use website builder on the market. Try it for yourself.

Direct Partner Billing

We can directly bill your franchisees and handle payment collection.


Time to sit back and relax! We’ll handle every step of the setup.

Mobile Optimization

Every site on our platform is mobile optimized by default. They will look excellent everywhere!

What’s stopping you?​

We’ve Got You Covered!

No cost

We bill your franchisees directly.

No IT involvement

Fully hosted and managed

Program rollout

Guided training, setup & outreach to your franchisees.

No risk

Free trial, opt-in rollout!

These are some of our

Happy Customers

Jim S.Shop Owner
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I think we will be able to attract more customers and keep our current customers better informed by using Empowerkit’s service.
Terry A.Seasoned Franchisee
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We absolutely love working with Empowerkit. Their service makes it so easy for us to keep our website updated and generating traffic and leads. Their team offers great training and support. We highly recommend signing on.
Janet W.Satisfied Customer
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I always dragged my feet about launching a website, because I didn’t want to invest the time to get it up and running. Then in comes Empowerkit, and I have a website with no trouble at all. The website looks very professional and is helping me attract customers online. I love it!
Tim P.Independent Dealer
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This will rejuvenate us online and help with the turnover of customers.
Jeff A.Consultant
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We had a website before, but found it difficult to keep up with the changes that were needed to keep it current. This is a great improvement.
Lizette P.Franchise Consultant
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Awesome franchise CMS website platform for franchise systems! Good, clean modern design and easy to use.
Brian R.Growing Franchisor
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Building a system in-house would be too costly and time consuming. We saw immediately Empowerkit was focused on ROI, which meant a lot to us.
Debbie H.Established National Franchisor
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If [franchisees] don’t have a site yet, this is the best time to get started, and we highly recommend Empowerkit’s content management system for franchises.
Did we pique your interest?

We'd Love to Speak Whenever You're Ready

Or contact us in any of our channels:

Support Desk


Considering building it in-house?

From the Blog

Empowerkit provides franchisees with a powerful franchise website editor and a full set of services to jumpstart your franchise local marketing.

Beautiful franchise web design with simple content updates, successful SEO strategy, franchise content management system, lead generation tools and professional support to accompany that – Empowerkit is more than just franchise website software. Check our franchise web design features

We can also take care of custom requests or specific workflow or work on unique content creation to have better franchise SEO strategy.

Empowerkit managed web marketing is suitable for all of your franchisees – from the most tech savvy looking for premium services until the poor performers that need extra guidance. It does not need to replace your existing efforts – make the local websites optional for your franchisees! With the ones who do choose our services, we will work in alignment with your brand guidelines and you as franchisor will always have the franchise brand management controls in your hands.

Engaging franchise websites that generate leads and increase sales – that is the franchise local online marketing Empowerkit offers.


SEO & Content marketing services designed for franchisees with little time or technical skills.